art director Michael Spiccia / shot by Stefan Duscio

by Kristin Cofer

Queen of the Damned

by Angel Cellabos

photo by Malia James

art direction Michael Spiccia / Shot by Stefan Duscio
fireworks / photo by Aimee Nash :: back cover album art for 'buy the ticket, take the ride'

art direction, styled + HMU by Aimee Nash :: shot by Kristin Cofer

'the door behind the door' :: front cover art by Suzy Poling / creative director album art Aimee Nash
'buy the ticket, take the ride' album art :: art direction Michael Spiccia + Aimee Nash / shot by Stefan Duscio

art direction + styled by Aimee Nash / shot by Kristin Cofer

sedlec ossuary - prague / photo by Aimee Nash
photo by Aimee Nash

prague / photo by Aimee Nash

inside cover art for 'the door behind the door' / photo by Aimee Nash

prague / photo by Aimee Nash

paris / photo by Aimee Nash